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Program/Course - to treat a mental health condition

Therapist Assisted Programs

About this service

Access 12 weeks of free therapist support whilst using a Mental Health Online program of your choice. We provide support to help you tailor our program material to your specific situation, answer any questions you have along the way, and support you to stay on track with the program.

This service may help:

  • Receive tailored therapist support alongside your online program
  • Tailor and personalise strategies and skills to your life
  • Support you to stay on track

Service for

Anyone in need
Anyone in need



Age group

18 years and over


Mon-Fri: 9.00am-5.00pm (AEDT/AEST)


12 weeks


Self-guided with some professional support

Therapy framework

Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Several review studies have shown that therapist-assisted online CBT programs have led to greater improvements to symptoms [1, 2] and engagement [3] than self-guided interventions.